Price Lists

East Coast Tranship is only able to sell to legitimate, licensed PET SHOPS and WHOLESALERS.
We do NOT sell retail.

In order for us to be able to forward price lists to you we must verify that you are a licensed Pet Shop or Wholesaler in your state.
Please fill out the following fields and the Lists will be forwarded to you by email.

Name of Business:

Physical Business Address:




Federal Tax # (not state):


Business Phone:

Contact Person:

Airport to Receive Shipments:

How many fresh water tanks do you have in your store?

How many salt water tanks do you have in your store?

Brief description of your business or comments:

Please help us refine our website. How did you hear about us?

If the above information checks out as legitimate, then the International Availability Lists will be forwarded to the Email you provided above. It will then be up to you to make contact.

Verify you are human captcha

* NOTE: Email and other information will NOT be shared with ANYONE outside this website.

Its sole purpose is to determine the legitimacy of your business and to facilitate communication between
East Coast Tranship and your company.

We do NOT ship outside the United States of America.
(Except to: St.Thomas, Puerto Rico, Jamaica etc.)