Tropical Fish Wholesale Supplier To USA Pet Stores – Singapore Stock
We are a direct importer and freshwater tropical fish wholesale supplier located near Washington DC. We have supplied wholesale tropical fish to pet stores in the United States for over 25 years. In this article we will feature some of the harder to find, rarer species and popular fish from Singapore.
Due South of Bangkok Thailand lies Singapore. Singapore has a few “specialty” items but is known mainly as a “bread & butter” country.
Among the specialty items they produce are Arowanas: the Pearl Arowana, the Platinum, the Red and the Ruby … all bred in Singapore.
Another specialty item from Singapore is Discus. Singapore sells higher quality non-hormoned Discus.
Lately Singapore has been producing some quality Flowerhorns.
Singapore produces and sells Electric Blue Jack Dempsey’s,
and an assortment of Rams.
When it comes to standard “bread & butter” stock for a pet store, there is no country with a higher inventory of these fish than Singapore.
Some examples are:
Angel Fish – they devote 170 breeder codes to Angels
Barbs – 79 breeder codes
Common Cichlids – 120 codes
Fancy Gouramis – over 90 codes
Singapore is THE Source Country for live bearers . . .
Guppy’s – 150 codes
Mollys – over 150 codes
Platys – over 280 codes
Swordtails – over 185 codes
Singapore probably carries the largest total inventory of all the countries we represent. For that reason we provide our customers with Singapore’s entire Price List. At any one time, about 80% of all items are available.
Watch our Tour of Asia video to see our tropical freshwater fish selections from the other countries across Asia
Note: We sell ONLY to pet stores with a pet store license in the United States. For information on pricing and availability of all of our tropical fish wholesale stock from Asia and other countries around the world, follow the instructions on our web page at and be sure and ask about our guarantees.
Tropical Fish Wholesale Supplier To USA Pet Stores – Singapore Stock
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